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MLC 2006

The International Labour Organisation's MLC provides comprehensive rights and protection at work for the world's seafarers

Maritime Labour Convention 2006 ("MLC")

Oceanskies Crew Limited and its subsidiary Employment Companies hold an MLC Statement of Compliance (SoC) issued by Lloyd's Register, meaning it fully complies with standard A1.4 and guidelines B1.4 of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.

Oceanskies Crew Limited employs all of its crew in an MLC environment regardless of whether they are working on a private yacht, commercial yacht or a private yacht that has adopted voluntary MLC compliance.

It sets out seafarers' rights to acceptable conditions of employment and aims to be globally applicable, easily understandable, readily updatable and uniformly enforced.

A vital requirement of the MLC is the necessity of seafarers to have access to an efficient and well-regulated seafarer recruitment and placement system.

Seafarers Recruitment and Placement Services (SRPS) or Crew Agents such as Oceanskies Crew that provide crew recruitment and employment services to commercial yachts are required to hold a 'Statement of MLC Compliance' confirming that they are operating in accordance with Standard A1.4 and guidelines B1.4 of the MLC requirements.

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