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CrewMate App

the CrewMate app means that every Oceanskies crew member can have access to a personalised and secure 24/7 employment resource on their mobile device...

A Guide to CrewMate

Below is an overview guide to all the functions within the CrewMate app. Please note, the colour scheme is customisable by each employer, so your app may look slightly different.

Welcome to CrewMate!

This is the welcome screen to the app. Along the bottom of the screen is the main navigation.

The Employment and Settings tabs have additional options when tapped.

Employment Section

The employment section contains useful information and documentation related to the currently active contract.

Change Contract

If you have worked on more than one vessel, you may have additional options when tapping the Ship icon at the top of the screen.

Tap a contract to change the active contract.


You'll receive alerts in this section for various things. For example:

When your salary has been paid

Reminders for entering hours of rest

When files get approved or declined

Out-of-date documents

My Pay

This page shows all your payments and payslips for the active contract.

Tap on the grey document icon to view your payslip.

Payment Confirmation

You can also view the status of your payments in real-time.

Simply tap the amount of the payment, and it will expand to show the details.


The calendar shows your current leave days.

These are entered by your captain or manager.

Each different type of leave has a corresponding colour, which is shown in the Key at the bottom of the page.

Hours of Rest

All Commercial vessels require you to keep a log of your hours of rest.

You can do this day-by-day or all at once. Just tap a day or days and then tap the button at the bottom of the page to enter your hours of rest.


If you'd like a handy reminder to log your hours of rest, simply tap the link near the top of the page.

Alternatively, this page can be accessed through the Settings menu.

Just choose the days of the week and the time you'd like to reminded, and the system will automatically send you an alert at that time.

Employee Handbook

This page is your employee handbook while employed under the active contract.

This handbook documents your rights and procedures for any problems arising with your employment and provides appropriate forms for complaints.

My Files

This page allows you to upload your qualifications and ID documents.

You must keep your qualifications up-to-date at all times.

Upload a file

To upload a new document, just tap the Add New link.

You will then have to select what type of document you are uploading as well as enter the expiry date of the document.

Once uploaded, your file will be sent to your employers for approval.


The settings menu allows you to update your own details.

Personal Details

These are your personal details such as name, address, next of kin etc. You should keep these up-to-date at all times.

Bank Accounts

The bank accounts page decides where your salary is paid to. You can add multiple accounts and even split your salary across them.

Your salary is paid into your Default account, but you may enter an amount to pay into secondary accounts by entering it in the white boxes.

What next?

You can download the App right now. To use it however, you must have a registration code provided by Oceanskies. To obtain your registration code, register within the app.

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