
French Social Security for Yacht Crew - 'Occasional Seafarers'

On 2nd April, the French Senate adopted a proposal to allow a derogation to the necessary affiliation to a social security regime as required by Article L. 5551-1 of the Codes des transports. Full text of the 2nd April Senate meetings can be found at:


Specifically see Section 37, Article 5:

“5° D’une part, prévoir une dérogation à l’affiliation au régime spécial des marins prévue à l’article L. 5551‑1 du code des transports des professionnels n’exerçant leur activité de marin qu’à titre occasionnel ou dans des conditions particulières tenant à leur exercice exclusif dans les zones littorales et unifier le régime de protection sociale de ces professionnels et, d’autre part, pour ces professionnels, déterminer les règles du droit du travail applicables, préciser l’aptitude médicale prévue au chapitre Ier du titre II du livre V de la cinquième partie du même code et identifier le service de santé au travail competent”

These proposals still need to be voted on by the Assembée Nationale; however such a derogation would be extremely beneficial to the industry.

Oceanskies Crew currently employs crew onboard yachts ranging in size from small single Captain vessels to the largest superyachts and can assist yacht owners, yacht mangers and yacht crew not only in respect of the employment of occasional crew in the following areas in respect of social security:



  • In France, assist with ENIM registration and payments.



  • In Malta, arrange social security registration of employer and seafarers including deduction of social security at source and obtaining of A1 and S1 certificates as well as a European Health Insurance Card.



  • In the UK, assist with the registration of UK domiciled seafarers for National Insurance contributions.



  • Assist with social security registration and payments in other EU and suitably qualifying foreign jurisdictions.



  • Facilitate equivalent private welfare scheme in conjunction with third party insurance partners (our recommended course of action for all yacht crew regardless of whether the French rules apply).



Effect offshore ‘gross’ payroll for applicable seafarers.


  • Effect social security registration of employer and seafarers for yachts in build, for example in Holland where seafarers engaged during the build phase can become liable to local taxation.



Pricing is really straight forward at EUR 260.00 take on per crew member, (including contract), then EUR 65.00 per month per crew member plus EUR 15.00 bank charges.

The system works by the yacht owner outsourcing the employment of their crew to Oceanskies Crew either on a stand alone basis or as part of a third party management structure. OCL takes care of the crew’s employment and payroll on behalf of the yacht owner or yacht manager in an administratively efficient manner from our home island of Guernsey.

For further information,  please do not hesitate to contact Tom Becker here at Oceanskies who is also a fluent French speaker.

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